Front-End Web Design

...A beginner's guide to web excellence

Course Fee

₦ 200,000


4 Months


JavaScript Plugins

Course Overview

Aimed at both novice and intermediate web-designer, this comprehensive, easy-to-understand course will enhance your understanding of web development tools and techniques. This course makes hard-coding as easy as A, B, C. At the completion of this course, you'll be able to code out whatever web interface you or your Creative Director can imagine. This course is also suitable for web designers who work in an environment where custom-made websites or web apps are preferred over templates.

(a) Introduction
This section would orient the student on the importance of front-end web development and the prospects of employment and freelancing in the industry, both locally and internationally.
- What web development is.
- What front-end is.
- Pathway for employment in front-end development  

(b) Git
This section is to prepare the environment around which all projects would be done.
- Basic Git: Connecting to github, branching, pushing, pulling etc.
- VSCode & its extensions   

- Introduction 
- doctype, head tag use and content 
- body elements and attributes' use:        
- HTML Forms
- Tables
- basic Search Engine Optimization  

Basic CSS
- Introduction 
- Syntax, selectors, means of usage 
- CSS properties: - colors, borders, background, lists, position, font, box model, pseudo-class & elements etc.
- CSS Flexbox & Grid
- Responsiveness and Media Queries    

CSS Libraries
- Bootstrap   

At the end of this phase, the student would be able to do the following projects:
- Personal Portfolio: a portfolio website showcasing your skills, projects, and resume.
- Blog or Article Layout.
- Product Landing Page: a landing page for a product or service.
- Responsive Photo Gallery: a responsive photo gallery that displays images in a visually appealing grid.

- Introduction 
- Basic syntax
- Basic JS (one project & one assignment)
- Form Validation (one project & one assignment)
- Basic string and Array Methods (one project & one assignment)
- Date Object (one project & one assignment)        
- APIs
- Asynchronous nature of JS         
- Basic Javascript data structures and algorithms  

At the end of this phase, the student would be able to do the following projects:
- An Interactive Quiz Game
- An expense tracker: an expense tracker that lets users input their expenses and track their budget.
- Weather App: a weather application that allows users to enter a city, fetches real-time weather data.
- Small to Mid-scale E-commerce site

PHASE 4 (the following are Introductrory courses)
Post-JavaScript & JS Frameworks
- DOM Manipulation
- React & Redux
- Typescript  

At the end of this phase and the entire program, the student would be able to do the following projects:  
-Full-fledged e-commerce platform  
-Fitness Web App with workout  plans and progress management  
-Appointment booking system  
-Online Learning platform, etc.
Location: Cr8ive Xpats Academy, 60, Shipeolu Street, Close to Tantalizers, Palmgrove, Lagos.
For further information:, +234 908 612 5352