Olawale Awoneye

Creative Director

Role in the company

Creative Director


Motion Design
Graphic Design
Web Design


Equipped with a semi-schizophrenic background that includes graphic design, web design, 2 and 3D animation, and back-end programming, Olawale is the proverbial modern Renaissance man.

Straddling both the left-brained creative world and right-brained computer world, he brings a unique perspective to every project. Whether visualizing a database in 3D in his head, or writing a custom Wordpress module, he brings just the right combination of technical skill and creative problem-solving to execute each project for optimum results.

For the past three years, Olawale has taught Graphic and Web Design to students both in secondary and tertiary institutions across the country, and is really passionate about building an army of techpreneurs who would revolutionalise the tech and creative industries in Africa.

Olawale studies Philosophy at the National Open University and oversees the day-to-day operations of Cr8ive Xpats within and outside the office environment.